3 tips for having the best (first) singles vacation

In Sauze d'Oulx 2023

Last year I went om my first ever singles vacation. That’s right, as a single woman of 36 I had never gone on one. Around me few friends had been on these kinds of trips before. Usually I go everywhere by myself and I love it. This time it was different. When the group I went skiing with last year fell apart, I decided going on a winter break was something I really didn’t want to skip. But I also didn’t feel like skiing (and après skiing) by myself. Although skiing is a solo activity, I felt like this kind of vacation I would not enjoy by myself. So, after some (or maybe a lot of) pondering I eventually booked my first singels vacation to Sauze d’Oulx, Italy.

Going away with a group of people you have never met for a whole week can be scary. You might put pressure on yourself to meet someone or have thoughts about being liked by the group. You most likely share a room with one or two other people, which can make you worried about getting enough alone time to recharge. Activities being organized every day can make you feel like you have to attend to fit in. And then there is the thought of not finding your people.

Here are three tips on how to make your (first) singles vacation a success.

Have an open mind

Try to let go of your prejudices and assumptions about singles vacations and about singles. The emphasis does not have to be on it being a vacation for singles looking for the love of their life. Thinking about this trip as a cool, active winter break and a chance to meet new people was the right mind set for me. I let go of assumptions and expectations. Let yourself be open to new experiences, and especially new people. You can only accomplish this if you empty your mind. Having an open mind gives you the opportunity to learn more about yourself, create new memories, have interesting conversations and maybe go out of your comfort zone.

Be yourself

A new experience becomes even better when you’re being you. Beforehand I thought that if I wouldn’t join the organized activities every day I’d feel left out. While there I realized it’s my winter break and I noticed everyone was doing what they felt like doing. I could skip a party, come to dinner later, leave the pub quiz sooner, leave the slopes after lunch. I could be me and that was okay. So tell yourself you have nothing to prove, no expectations to meet. You only have to be yourself to make it the best experience.

Focus on what excites you

Going on this trip meant being on a night bus for 13 hours. I worried I wouldn’t sleep and it wouldn’t be a good start to my vacation. I spent a lot of time overthinking. Until I figured there was still a fifty fifty chance I actually would be able to sleep. And if I didn’t I could always rest the day after. By not worrying about it so much it didn’t feel like a big deal anymore. Overthinking a small part of something bigger that is supposed to bring you joy can make you doubt the entire experience. So, look at the bigger picture. Try to let go of the particular things that may be a little less exciting to see how exciting it can be as a whole.

Go into your singles vacation with an open mind, focus on what the entire experience has to offer and be yourself. It might take you a while to decide to book that vacation, because it’s new and it may put emphasis on being single. But remember that it gives you the opportunity to experience new things, learn more about yourself and make new memories. And who knows, you might meet somebody.


I love traveling, exploring the world, meeting new people, festivals in summer, enjoying good wine with my friends and writing and sharing my thoughts with the world.


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