7 reasons why you’ll be okay after heartbreak

7 reasons why you'll be okay after heartbreak

I recently was reminded again, just a little bit, about how heartbreak, loss of future perspective or letting go feels. And while I was going through it I realized what I learned from my previous experiences, and how it helped me in this one.

More than once I’ve had my heart broken. The first time I was 21 years old. He was my first love and the relationship lasted 2 years. At that time I had never experienced something like that before. The way your whole body can hurt and you absolutely don’t know what to do with yourself. After that I had the same, but different, experiences when I had my heart broken. In the end it’s all painful and tough to get through, but you’ll get through it, and here are 7 reasons why.

You can handle it

And you’ll survive. It will get better and you’ll come out stronger on the other side.

There are no shortcuts

You have to go through it. There are no short cuts to feeling better, or ways around it. Help yourself by feeling all the feelings when you feel them.

Personal growth

This is the time where you learn about yourself. About who you are, what’s important to you and what you want. This is the time for personal growth.

Surround yourself with friends

Let your friends know what’s going on with you. Talking about how you feel helps to process. I don’t mean constantly talking about why and how the break up happened. When you feel sad, talk to a friend, they can make you feel better. You don’t have to do it alone.

A cliche

This is a cliche, but I find it to be true: time heals all wounds. While you’re in it, time does not seem to go fast enough, but after some time you will feel different.

Go out

Go out, do stuff. Set up dates with your friends or family. Keeping yourself busy is a way to distract yourself and it gives you a positive kind of energy. Taking good care of yourself at this time if very important and helps you feel better.

It’s a part of life

Heartbreak is a part of life. I believe life is about the connections you make and the love that you experience. But to make connections means you have to take a risk. You open up to someone and you’re being vulnerable with them in showing them who you are. And that’s when I feel most alive.

Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.
— Maya Angelou

I think heartbreak is proof of you living your life to the fullest. Making connections, letting someone see you, being vulnerable are ways to have the best time of your life. Getting your heart broken can be a part of that journey. But don’t be afraid of that happening, because it’s always temporary. You’ll get over it. And don’t give up. Like Maya Angelou said: “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”


I love traveling, exploring the world, meeting new people, festivals in summer, enjoying good wine with my friends and writing and sharing my thoughts with the world.


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